Friday, October 30, 2009

Why Video

By Horace Preston

Gone are the times of only getting a photographer to take photos of your wedding day. Marriage videos are becoming more and more favored by couples who get married as they make a more personal memento of the important day. Though videos are gaining in popularity, there are less wedding video Sydney based videographers than there are photographers so it is important to take a little time to find a company that has been doing marriage videos for a bit and has some good wedding video packages.

Wedding videographers used to be known as video men, but now with the technology that's available they are being called Cinematographers, Storytellers or Film Makers. The professional wedding videographer can now produce a video that's of cinema quality that used to be available only to those couples with a very large budget. It's not only due to developments in camera technology but videographers are using better filming techniques. The utilization of the 'steadicam' is seen more in marriage videography to make silky smooth camera movements, offering a more cinematic film like video. More thought is going into a production. More effective editing systems are permitting us to spend a little more time in putting time and effort into a compelling and moving story instead of creating effects.

With this advancement in technology, the wedding can be captured and relived as a story, not just moving pictures. The power to edit and compile these videos gives the professional videographer the facility to create something that's very powerful with sound and images that photographs cannot convey. The recording of the live wedding day can be viewed for future years and will not only bring back wonderful memories of the marriage day, but might also be viewed for many years when grandparents have passed on and some of their last happy moments can be relived.

Weddings are always very happy occasions and a professional marriage videographer will have the ability to piece together the entire event and create a production that becomes 1,000,000 photos rolled into one. The utilization of sound and picture is a powerful medium, and manipulated in the right way a quality marriage film can stir the feelings like no other medium can. Wedding videographers are improving at telling a tale. We are not just manufacturing a record of the day, but producing a forceful story that will possibly have the spectator laughing and crying.

Wedding videos capture the whole event, from getting dressed to the throwing of the bouquet. Where photographs capture the image, video captures the image and the sounds, the laughter and the tears of joy. Photos can be transferred from video, but regardless of how many photographs are taken, they can't be spliced together to form a moving picture that only a wedding video can create.

A marriage video that has been professionally produced will be something that not just the bride and groom can enjoy through their wedding years, but can be shared with other family members and youngsters. High-definition video productions are nearly as real as the day itself and can capture the sparkle in your partner's eye and the flicker of gold as you slip the wedding ring on their finger, something that no photograph can do. This is the reason why wedding videos are more popular than ever and will become the main medium for weddings as the technology improves year by year producing more realistic footage.

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