Friday, January 1, 2010

By Benjamin Parry

Astral projection is something that you already have some awareness of. No doubt you've heard the phrase used in conversation, in a movie or TV program or seen it in a book or magazine. What you might not know is that you can astral project; anyone can, in fact. Youve already done so, though you might not remember it.

Just what is astral projection though? Essentially, astral projection is what happens when your non-physical, or astral body separates from your physical body. This happens most commonly while you sleep. Your subconscious mind is the seat of the astral body and when your conscious mind and your physical body rest, it heads out on its own.

You can journey to any desired location when you astral project. You may even have done this as a child as you went to bed, as you grew into adulthood you just forgot how. No time or distance restrictions apply when astral projecting, which makes it possible to travel virtually anywhere. The astral body is what does the traveling when the person's physical body is sound asleep.

You may be asking at this point what is meant by the astral body? The meaning of the term astral body is the body's invisible duplicate, also called the ethereal body. It is where all of our wishes and feelings are stored in our body. I bet you are wondering how the astral body can leave and then also return to the physical body? There is this silver cord that connects the physical body with the astral body.

The astral body is immediately connected to the physical body upon entering it with this silver cord, this cord cannot ever be broken except through death. This cord actually protects the physical body from losing the astral body.

Another question that is often asked is where the astral body travels to when a person engages in astral projection. The astral body moves along the astral plane. This is, as the astral body is a duplicate for the physical, a duplicate of the physical world. There are a number of ways that it can be described. In some descriptions, it is described as a set of vibrations, which penetrate physical reality but are at a wavelength that separates it from the physical world. It can also be described as a secondary reality or another dimension. What is agreed upon with the descriptions is that there are multiple levels to the astral plane.

It is perfectly alright at this stage if you are concerned about possible hazards in doing astral projection. The answer to this is both no and yes. We have already mentioned these facts that the astral body always returns to the physical thanks to the silver cord, also that everyone can do astral projection. You just need to make sure you have your mind right to do this though. This means that your basic thinking skills should be strong and sound, this way you will be able to know exactly what you want and even more important where you want to go.

Astral projection while you're under the influence of drugs or alcohol can be somewhat risky. When youre not in total control of yourself, your astral body is limited to the lowest and most hazardous levels of the astral plane. If you're not careful, there is a danger of psychological harm.

It is vital that you understand where you desire going and exactly what you are participating in. You need to strive on doing astral projection using your conscious mind. Stay in total control as far as what task that the astral body is performing. Your thoughts and thinking processes are what keeps you in this kind of control.

When engaging in astral projection it is important to prepare properly. Once you know how to prepare, you will find that astral projection is a quick and easy process. The method of preparation varies depending on the professional consulted. However, there are a number of, at home, training programs that provide individuals with the opportunity to learn how to control the experience and ultimately obtain both more enjoyment and benefit from astral projecting.

You can find a lot of material online to help you improve your astral projection abilities. Astral projection hypnosis recordings are especially useful. These recordings help you to reach the meditative state where astral projection happens the most readily. Many people consider these to be more helpful than a session with a professional since they can be played on repeat until youre relaxed and your subconscious mind responds to the recorded messages.

Something called binaural beats, a new audio recording technique have made it possible for many people to astral project. Two frequencies which are just slightly different are listened to, one in each year. The result is that your brainwaves tune to the proper frequency for astral projecting.

You can expect the first few attempts to not be as successful as you would like them to be. Astral projection takes some practice to perfect it and get the results you want. Remember that you have the ability already, all of us have the ability to do astral projection, we have just over time forgotten the method and just need to tune our own natural ability to do it.

If you are still unsure, that astral projection is something that is known to everyone consider these things. Have you ever felt like you were falling, even though you were standing or laying still, how about dreaming about flying. Often times this is the result of astral projection. The falling feeling usually comes when the two bodies rejoin each other and the sensation of flight comes from actually moving through the astral plane. It is a real ability that everyone has, everyone can use and all it needs is a bit of fine-tuning in order to be able to do it at will.

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