Friday, December 18, 2009

By Grant Dougan

A breakup is perhaps one of the most painful experiences most of us will go through in our lives. You really want to make things work, and you wonder "how to get my ex back?" Fortunately, good bye isn't always forever. Though it will take time and dedication, you can use these five simple strategies for winning back your ex.

First, you must face up to the situation, process the pain, and move forward. This step is tough, but it's important to realize that letting go will actually get you closer to your goal. This doesn't mean you should avoid dealing with your feelings. You need to experience them in order to be able to make progress, but you can't let them consume your life. Keep telling yourself that moving forward is the way to get your ex back, and you'll find it's not as difficult.

Once you have gotten over these painful memories, it's time to learn why the split up occurred. Knowing how to get back my ex involves analyzing the root cause of the problem. Whatever the major problems may be, comprehending them will mean that you can take whatever steps are necessary to correct them. This is a step that can take you closer to getting your lost relationship back again.

One thing that is often overlooked by people who are dealing with a breakup is the need to give each other space. Being apart is necessary in order to reach a place where you can each move forward and do whatever is necessary to fix things. As the saying goes, absence makes the heart grow fonder. You need to give your ex some time to gain clarity and begin to get over the breakup.

When you're reeling from a breakup, this is the time to seek the support of your loved ones. Find out what they think of "how to get back my ex?" Turn to your friends and family to help you in your time of emotional need. They can provide a soothing and calming influence, and can also help stabilize things between you and your ex.

Once you've both had time to establish your network of family and friends, you can think about meeting up. This should be the final step in a longer process of reconnecting by text message, email, and eventually by phone. Make sure to keep the process friendly, and don't let on that you're pressing hard for getting back together. When you meet, make sure you start with a game plan to avoid ending up hurt again. Swallow your ego and apologize without expecting anything in return. Your goal is to re-light the romantic flame so that you can see whether "how to get back my ex" is even possible. Using these tips will improve your chances, but you should prepare yourself for the possibility that your ex won't be ready to get back with you.

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