Sunday, December 13, 2009

Looking How To Grow Taller?

By Brent Briceton

If you're looking how to grow taller, there are several sites on the internet that would seek to lead you astray. I'm talking about the sites that advertise exercise programs and stretch sessions that are supposedly designed to lengthen your bones.

Let's discuss why this doesn't work. When we are infants, our bones are still mostly cartilage. As we grow gradually, this cartilage hardens and melds into hard adult bones, which is why we have considerably less bones than we do when we're babies.

While we hit puberty, cartilage growth plates located on the ends of our longer bones causes those bones to lengthen slowly.

Exercising regularly during this time can enhance your height, but once your bones stop growing, no amount of stretching will make them grow again.

The truth of the matter is, only surgery can lengthen the bones when you reach adulthood. The risk here is higher and the procedure is complicated. Also, one will have to undergo psychological testing before such procedure will be approved.

While one may want to proceed with such surgery, finding a surgeon who is considered an expert will be hard to find. And one has to think of the high fee this procedure should involve, especially with the services of an experienced surgeon.

During the surgery, your legs are broken and metal plates secured to hold the bone in place with a gap between them. Over the course of several months, your bones gradually grow together to fill the gap.

However, as you can imagine, the recovery time for such a surgery takes a very long time, and you may need physical therapy afterward. The risks involve the bones healing wrong. They can heal in a way that results in the bone being warped for life. Other risks involve paralysis, nerve damage, and even death.

If you're considering how to grow taller, there are better alternatives than surgery.

You can proceed by wearing dark colored clothes--avoiding two-toned dresses. Two-toned dresses will emphasize your middle portion since the different colors meet there. This will result to the opposite look desired, making you look shorter. Use pinstripes and heeled shoes for greater effect. Subscribing to these methods are safer than going for surgery. Don't risk your life if you can look tall through other ways.

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